Its a dream come true for anyone who has already built or is planning to build a place he\she can call a home, but before building your dream house there are important factors one need to consider before rolling out your project                                                                                                                                             
 The following are some of the key factors one should consider before building your home;

  1.  LOCATION - identify an area where you believe will fever your lifestyle and a good place you can call home.consider the security of the place as well as accessibility to social facilities such as shops, schools , churches and hospitals. Doing so you will make your life in that area more comfortable and secure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  2. BUDGET - building a home must be to exciting but budgeting is one of the key factors to consider before building your home. Poor budgeting may lead to uncompleted home because you find yourself running out of funds. I would recommend if you are planning to build a home budget for it  properly  and its advisable to stick to it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  3. TYPE AND SIZE OF THE HOUSE - size of the house and rooms in it mainly depends with the size of the family. The bigger the family the bigger the house will be and vice versa , But i would recommend a big one for future generations .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  4. BUILDER - The decision on deciding on who to build your home should be very important, it should be based on Experience, reputation, financial stability just to name but a few. I would advice one to take time before making a final decision to avoid future regrets                                                                                                                                                                                               .
  5. TIME - Its important to know that custom houses are not constructed in a day or two, they take months or even years. That said take time to build and plan your home and by doing this you may avoid future blame. If you have other projects i would advice you to stop them and concentrate fully on building your home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
6. TYPE OF LAND - When looking for a land its good to bear in mind a levelised land is usually cheaper to build than slope and rocky lands, Because slope and rocky land means more site work and this will lead to more expenses. Again to avoid loosing money to con men ensure to check with the land office the eligibility of the land.

 In conclusion, when building a home you don't have to know everything you can always rely on others who have been through before . Be deliberate on your decisions when building a home and you will enjoy for many years to come.


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